Disability Employment
Awareness Month
People with disabilities from age 25 - 64 were less likely to be employed (59%).
Source: Canadian Survey on Disability Reports
A demographic, employment and income profile of Canadians with disabilities aged 15 years and over, 2017, https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/89-654-x/89-654-x2018002-eng.htm
Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM) takes place every October to acknowledge and encourage businesses, employers, institutions, industry associations and other groups to take proactive steps to increase employment in the disability community. Inclusion makes business sense, but people with disabilities still face many barriers to meaningful, gainful employment. See how we support people with disabilities in their employment endeavours below.
Asked & Answered: Diversifying Your Business Makes Good Business Sense
October 14, 2021 12:00 - 1:00 PM on Zoom
Together with the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce, we are exploring why inclusive hiring is just good business.
Virtual EmployAbility Expo
October 20, 2021. 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Visit the virtual Manitoba Possible booth!
What we learned about Manitobans and disability employment.
In 2019, together with Probe Research, we conducted a survey of 200 business owners and managers in Manitoba. The Manitoba Business Leaders Index is an annual scientific survey of senior business officials, including CEOs, presidents, business owners and designated senior corporate officers from 200 small, mid-sized and large commercial establishments from both publicly traded and private companies from all major sectors of Manitoba industry. Please note, these findings were before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our Key Findings
More than one-third of companies employ a person with disabilities.
Overall, nearly four-in-ten Manitoba companies indicate they employ one or more persons with a disability. This is more likely to be the case among larger firms.
Nearly two-thirds of Manitoba business leaders do not see any barriers that would prevent them from hiring persons with disabilities. Among those who did cite impediments to hiring persons with disabilities, the most commonly mentioned reasons were the physical requirements of the job, a lack of suitable jobs available and concerns about safety.
Only about one-in-five employers report having an excellent understanding of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA). Four-in-ten indicated that they know little to nothing about the AMA.
When asked where attention and resources should be focused to help persons with disabilities, business leaders are more likely to identify employment and education, followed by housing. Six-in-ten indicate that providing a basic income requires a significant degree of attention.
Employment Preparation Centre
We are the largest employment training centre in Winnipeg for people with disabilities! We assist adults with disabilities to find and maintain employment. The EPC provides vocational services under 3 broad service categories: Assessment Services, Employment Services and Employment Supports.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation is the progressive process of helping adults with disabilities to plan, prepare for, attain and maintain gainful employment. Our Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellors assist participants in exploring vocational goals based on their interests, abilities and skills. We also have VR programs for people living in Northern Manitoba!
Thompson Supported Employment Program
TSEP is a Supported Employment Program that provides services to assist persons who have disabilities and/or other barriers to find and maintain gainful employment. This programming is geared towards job readiness, through the provision of twelve weeks of workshops and training seminars followed by twelve weeks of paid work experience within the community of Thompson.