Financial Empowerment
Equipping individuals to confidently manage their finances with money-saving courses and personalized assistance in accessing benefits and tax savings.
what we offer.
Saving Circle
This eight-week week course, run in partnership with SEED Winnipeg, Assiniboine Credit Union, and United Way Winnipeg, enables individuals to save for their needs, with the added benefit of up to a 3:1 matching contribution. Our instructor provides assistance in developing budget strategies, goal setting and money management skills. Participants’ savings are matched up to a maximum of $250. For example, if someone saves $250, we'll provide a $750 match, giving a total of $1,000 to use towards things critical to independence, health and well-being.
Individual Development Account
Those who complete the Saving Circle have the opportunity to register for the year-long Individual Development Account program. Participants who successfully complete the program receive a 2:1 matching on their savings, up to a maximum of $1,000. For example, if an individual who completes the program saves $1,000, they will receive a $2,000 match, resulting in a total of $3,000 to use for items that support independence, health and well-being.
Access 2 Benefits
Manitoba Possible provides assistance in applying for benefits programs, such as the Disability Tax Credit, Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), Primary Caregiver Tax Credit, Canada Pension Plan Disability and more. Throughout the process, participants receive one-on-one support to access available benefits.
Free Income Tax Clinics
Free income tax clinics are available for people with disabilities living on low income through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program in March and April. We also offer free tax filing support throughout the year for clients to catch up on their taxes.
Household size and income:
1 Person: $24,992
2 People: $35,345
3 People: $43,288
4 People: $49,985
5 People: $55,884
6 People: $61,218
7 People: $66,123
8 People: $70,689
9 People: $74,977
10 People: $79,033
Household size and income:
1 Person: $33,323
2 People: $47,126
3 People: $57,717
4 People: $66,646
5 People: $74,512
6 People: $81,624
7 People: $88,164
8 People: $94,252
9 People: $99,969
10 People: $105,377
Household size and income:
1 Person $26,620
2 People $33,141
3 People $40,743
4 People $49,467
5 People $56,105
6 People $63,276
7+ People $70,449
who is eligible.
Financial Empowerment is open to Manitobans with disabilities. The specific eligibility criteria depends on household size and income:
SEED Winnipeg considers household income and uses Statistics Canada’s Low Income Measure (LIM) as a guide, along with other factors, to determine program eligibility.
Contact us.
Angel Prefontaine-Gibson
(204) 975-3103
1-866-282-8041 (Toll-Free)
Financial Empowerment is supported by: