Manitoba Wheelchair Program
For over 70 years, Manitoba Possible has provided essential mobility support to Manitobans of all ages, providing wheelchairs loans alongside comprehensive maintenance and support.
what we offer.
Wheelchair Loans
The Manitoba Wheelchair Program offers long-term loans of recycled or new manual and motorized wheelchairs to eligible clients. Our primary objective is to deliver safe and reliable wheelchairs, supporting Manitobans in living independently within the community.
Repair and Maintenance Services
On-site wheelchair repairs and preventative maintenance are provided in clients' homes, workplaces, personal care homes or schools within the City of Winnipeg and surrounding areas.
Standard Daytime Service:
Monday - Friday
8 am - 4 pm
Emergency Evening Service:
Monday - Friday
4 pm - 8 pm
Emergency Weekend Service:
Saturday - Sunday
8 am - 4 pm
Rural Manitoba
Daytime repair and preventative maintenance services is available in clients' homes, workplaces, personal care homes or schools within a two-hour radius of:
We're actively working to expand our team of wheelchair technicians to reach Gimli, Thompson and Selkirk regions.
who is eligible.
Manitoba residents who require a wheelchair for at least six months should consult their health care professional (occupational therapist, physiotherapist or family doctor) to determine whether they are eligible. Once a healthcare professional confirms eligibility, informs client of loan terms, and submits a completed application, Manitoba Possible can begin processing the request.
For full list of eligibility requirements, please refer to our operating manual.
For Healthcare Professionals
► Application Forms (WRHA Rural, NIHB)
If you have questions or need clinical support, please request a consultation with our clinical specialist, occupational therapist at 204-975-3250.
Prescriber education sessions are available on our YouTube
information and support.
Manual wheelchair maintenance guide [download]
Motions Composites Apex users manual - [English download] [French download]
Motions Composites folding wheelchair users manual - [English download] [French download]
Wheelchair maintenance checklist [download]
Amylior power wheelchair owner’s manuals
Contact us.
1857 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 3E7
Phone: 204-975-3250
Toll Free: 1-800-836-5551
Fax: 204-975-3240