Employment Preparation Centre
The largest employment training centre in Winnipeg for people with disabilities
What we offer.
For the job seekers
Assessment Services
Our vocational evaluators offer a wide variety of job readiness assessments. They range from a five-day assessment looking at aptitudes, dexterity, writing and reading skills to a four-hour computer assessment.
Employment Services
Clients team up with one of our employment development specialists to find employment. This can include arranging paid work experiences, résumé development, interview preparation, and working with an employer to job carve.
Employment Supports
Employment facilitators provide temporary on-site supports to assist with on-the-job training, creating natural supports, and setting up accommodations.
Who is eligible.
Manitobans with an intellectual, psychiatric, hearing, learning or physical disability; and individuals connected with the Employment Assistance for People with Disabilities or Manitoba Possible’s Vocational Rehabilitation program.
For the employers
The Employment Preparation Centre links educated and skilled program participants seeking employment with the business community.
We work closely with human resource departments in hiring processes and ensure necessary accommodations create a strong fit between employers and employees. Additionally, we offer personalized on-the-job training and support, tailored to individual needs to ensure ongoing success.
Working together, we can create an inclusive workplace that reflects our diverse community, actively promoting diversity, equity and inclusion policies and practices. Diverse perspectives not only make good business sense, but also fuel innovation and company culture.