Red Shirt Day
June 1, 2022
175,000 Manitobans have a disability. We all deserve an inclusive and accessible Manitoba.
Wear RED, make a pledge, and show your support.
Red Shirt Day (for Action and Accessibility)
Red Shirt Day (of Action for AccessAbility and Inclusion) is a day when people across Canada come together and wear red in schools, workplaces and spaces everywhere in order to create a visible display of solidarity: to show their support for persons and families who are living with disabilities, celebrate the achievements of people living with disabilities, and to pledge their commitment to help create a fully accessible and inclusive society that honours and values the contributions of people of all abilities in all aspects of life in Canada.
Red Shirt Day takes place on the Wednesday of National AccessAbility Week each year. In 2022, Red Shirt Day will take place on Wednesday, June 1 during National AccessAbility Week (Sunday, May 29 to Saturday, June 4).
On Wednesday, June 1st, 2022, post a selfie or a group photo of you with your friends, classmates or colleagues – all wearing red – on social media with the hashtags:
#RedShirtDay, #RedForAccessAbility, #RedShirtESMB, #MakeItPossible
Celebration 50/50 Launching June 1st
Celebration 50/50 Launching June 1st 〰️
*Tickets will be available for purchase starting June 1st
The Red Shirt Day Pledge
Disability, accessibility and inclusion does not end with just a one-day annual event. In order to make Canada a truly accessible and inclusive society, it requires the constant, year-round commitment and efforts of all Canadians to put it into practice in order to make it real, and to also advocate and take action to increase accessibility and inclusion.
As such, by wearing red on Red Shirt Day, participants are also encouraged to make a commitment – a pledge – to educate and inform themselves on issues related to disability, and do what they can – individually and collectively – to remove physical, attitudinal and systemic barriers in their schools, workplaces and communities in order to make Canada a truly accessible and inclusive places/environments for people of all abilities.
So, on Red Shirt Day, write down your Red Shirt Day pledge on a sheet of paper (or the pledge form below), and take a selfie/group photo of yourself/your group with your pledge(s) while wearing red. Or include your Red Shirt Day pledge in the text of your social media post.