Saying ‘Yes’ Opens Doors!

Jennifer and her son Matthew enjoy time outside by water.

Everybody struggles so run with it and take every opportunity you can. If it’s not for you than carry on but at least give it a shot because everyone is a shining star.” Jennifer Balcaen

Imagine opening the door to opportunities that you never knew existed. That’s exactly what Jennifer Balcaen experienced with the support from the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities (SMD).

Since birth, SMD has been there for Jennifer and her family. She was born with Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis (HSP) and lives with the challenges of her legs being susceptible to muscle spasms, progressively weakening over time. Being originally misdiagnosed with Cerebral Palsy (CP), it wasn’t until having her second son that genetic testing revealed it was HSP. Two differences are that HSP is hereditary as well as progressive. Although her son has the same affects, Jennifer highlights the fact that SMD now offers more services and opportunities that weren’t available when she was growing up.

Through SMD’s Recreation and Leisure Program, Jennifer picked up sledge hockey in 2015 with her husband and two kids.  Now, every Sunday afternoon, Jennifer and her husband play competitively while sharing some laughs.

Jennifer playing sledge hockey

“It was a challenge at first to navigate the sledge but it was a very welcoming environment and the camaraderie between all three leagues is excellent.” Jennifer

Sledge Hockey opened up a whole new world for Jennifer and the opportunities followed.  She visited Newmarket, Ontario to play in a tournament to help facilitate the sport and raise awareness with the National Women’s Sledge Hockey team. Afterwards, she went to Regina, Saskatchewan to play with a fellow Winnipegger and other Canadians. This past February she also went to the 2019 Hendrickson Foundation Tournament in Minneapolis.

“These opportunities weren’t available when I was young, wanting to pursue sports. I just tried the able body sports and did my best.”

Another sport Jennifer recently tried and picked up quickly is curling. In November, 2018, Jennifer participated in a curling clinic, another opportunity presented by a partnership between SMD and Curl Manitoba.  She had the fortune of training with two Team Canada Paralympians; Jamie Anseeuw and Dennis Thiessen; both who live and train in Winnipeg. It was her first time throwing a rock. After a few one-on-one hands on sessions, she got the hang of it and overall the clinic provided an extremely positive experience to everyone in attendance. Currently, there are only two accessible curling rinks in Winnipeg; Granite and Assiniboine Curling Club.

Jennifer’s positive approach to life is contagious and she encourages anyone who might be hesitant about getting involved in SMD’s Recreation and Leisure Program by saying, “Absolutely go for it. You don’t know until you try it. It’s really hard not to be a critic on your own abilities. However, don’t worry about embarrassing yourself. Everybody struggles so run with it and take every opportunity you can. If it’s not for you than carry on but at least give it a shot because everyone is a shining star.”

To learn more about the Recreation and Leisure Program and how you can support athletes like Jennifer please CLICK HERE or contact Bill Muloin at or calling directly (204) 975-3261.


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