Sledge & The Jets
The Night That Made Canadian NHL History
Blog graphic reads “Sledge & The Jets” featuring a photo of a Sledgehammer team member on the ice at the MTS Centre
In a first for a Canadian NHL city, sledge hockey players entertained the crowds during a first intermission. The Manitoba Possible Sledge Team of players aged 4-12 scrimmaged while Winnipeg Jets fans cheered them on. The February 16, 2020 game made history in Canadian professional sports and was possible in thanks to Timbit Hockey and The Winnipeg Jets.
Sponsored by Tim Horton's the Timbit Hockey program has an annual competition to allow teams to enter for a chance to play on the ice during the intermission of NHL games. Manitoba Possible had applied years ago but weren’t selected in the lottery. In late 2019, TJ Ehmann, father of player Mason, submitted an application and in January of 2020 learned that it had been successful. He shares, “I grew up playing hockey and heavily involved in minor hockey. As soon as Mason was old enough to start playing I knew I wanted him to be involved in hockey. I was able to find sledge hockey and glad we did as Mason has fallen in love. I was at work one day and I received an email from the Jets talking about Timbit Hockey and to register your Children's Team. I right away filled out the application submitting the Sledge Hammers team. I received an email a few weeks later from the Timbit rep and proceeded to call Bill right away with the great news. When I told Mason he was over the moon with excitement as this would be not only his first Jets game but that he also got to go skate on the ice that the Jets skate on. ”
With just over a month to make it possible, the Leisure and Recreation program and our Director of Children's Services got to work. Collaborating with Timbits Hockey, parents, and True North Sports & Entertainment, Manitoba Possible busted down attitudinal and physical barriers to make this once in a lifetime game happen.
In an interview prior to the game with CBC Radio, player Paul Hamm shared his excitement, “It’s always been a dream of mine to make sledge well known in the community and be accepted among big names in hockey. It’s going to be really big to get the publicity from this Jets Game!” In the same interview, Bill Muloin, Supervisor of Children’s Recreation and Leisure shared, “Sledge hockey has been in the community for 13 years… and to demonstrate this sport of all abilities is an exciting opportunity.”
The excited Sledgehammers team and coaches in the dressing room at the Bell MTS Centre, home of Winnipeg Jets, wearing Tim Hortons and Manitoba Sledge jerseys.
The atmosphere on February 16th was full of elation. Fourteen sledge players hit the ice to show the world what accessible sport means to them. Bill shared that the kids were “over the moon,” and notes that it was an inclusive event – siblings, all genders, newcomers, and a range of players with and without disabilities strapped into sledges and hit the ice. The scrimmage showcased just how adaptive and welcoming sledge hockey is.
The players weren’t the only ones excited. A parent was brought to tears of pride, and most of the 16,000+ seat arena stayed to watch. It was a night that truly broke down barriers on a large scale – demonstrating that through collaboration, innovation and a little diversity, the rink is a welcome space for all.
Speaking to CTV News after getting off the ice, Paul shared “We were just really having fun out there, seeing what all different types of people can do!” Teammate Isaac Vint added “it’s a sport that brings the community together. It’s great for everybody.”
It certainly was a memorable night for Paul, Luc, Logan, Aspen, Henry, Isaac, Jaden, Elijah, Ahmed, Ahmed, Jedidiah, Zach, Noel, and Mason, the 14 players and their parents. When asked about what’s next for Mason and his role in sledge, parent TJ shares, “We look forward to helping the program grow bigger and better.” We’re excited to see what future opportunities come to the sledge team.