Surviving Through Hardships & Thriving

Ashley Voth, a yoga instructor, poses, smiling.

When asked how Yoga helped her through recovery she adds, “It connected me to my physical body, built mindfulness, and fostered patience…” Ashley Voth

Ashley Voth is a yoga instructor, entrepreneur, and cancer and stroke survivor.

“In 2013, I suffered a stroke while undergoing surgery to remove a brain tumor. I woke up with right side paralysis as well as many cognitive effects,” exclaimed Ashley.

Three years after her stroke she connected with Stephanie Semotok, one of our Rehabilitation Counsellors, who worked with Ashley through our Vocational Rehabilitation program. She helped Ashley identify her career goal of becoming a yoga teacher. She reflects back on that moment, “I once responded to what was next for me with a voice filled with doubt…I would love if I could be a yoga teacher. ‘Of course you can!’ was Stephanie’s simple and motivating response”.

Stephanie was able to support Ashley by connecting her to a variety of grants she could apply for that would assist in developing her business. “I wanted to offer yoga classes in different areas,” says Ashley. “I was so fortunate to receive a grant that allowed me to travel to India for four weeks so I could attend yoga teacher training as well as a Community Futures and MarketAbilities grant.”

When asked how Yoga helped her through recovery she adds, “It connected me to my physical body, built mindfulness, and fostered patience. Eventually, I was able to regain mobility in my right side and make many new brain connections.”

To Ashley, SMD is a powerful network of people that are driven to support and empower all individuals. “They are willing & able to provide personalized support and guidance.”

Her favourite memories include house visits from Stephanie where she would come with a big smile and offer wonderful news, encouragement and support. “I always felt heard because she would listen to my hopes & dreams.”

Her journey has had its fair share of challenges and successes, tough days and excellent days, and gains as well as losses. She says she got through the tough times by being surrounded by supportive people who filled her life with laughter and adds, “It takes valleys to create peaks.”

She summarized her involvement with SMD as a wonderful experience on many levels. “Not only have I built some amazing friendships, but it has created opportunities for me that have allowed my dreams to come true!”

Ashley now runs her own business and is a certified Yoga Teacher Trainer, Reiki Practitioner, and Accessible Health and Wellness Coach, specializing in stroke recovery. Check out her website

Her final words of encouragement to others going through difficult times were, “Know that you can and you are able! Connect to your inner calmness, your own inner strength, and your own inner warrior – this is always within reach.”

Ashley sits cross-legged on a yoga mat with a long haired cat.

To Ashley, SMD is a powerful network of people that are driven to support and empower all individuals. “They are willing & able to provide personalized support and guidance.”


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